
Friday 12 January 2018

Exam Stress

Hello everyone! Welcome back to the Nightline blog. We've got a lot of exciting things coming up in the next few weeks, and I for one can't wait to share them with you!

For a lot of us, returning to university after the winter break means one thing - exams. Exams bring out anxiety in nearly all of us, even the most confident of students! But we're here today to help calm any nerves you might be feeling.

First things first, make sure that exams don't take over your life. You have to schedule in time for yourself, whether that be a quick walk around your neighbourhood, a healthy snack or a chat with one of your friends. You'll study better if you take regular breaks, get a good night's sleep, and eat healthily. Having a bit of fun will help relieve stress, and ensure that you don't burn out before the exam.

It's also been shown that studying for short bursts and taking regular breaks helps aid memory - get into a routine of studying for around 25 minutes, and then take a short break of 5 minutes. That way you're not overtaxing your brain with too many facts at once! Another good idea is to ensure that you're studying in the right way for you, whether that be by rewriting notes, teaching your material to somebody, or using flashcards.

If you think that your exam anxiety goes a bit further than normal stress, please don't think that there isn't anyone to help you - one of the first things to do if you know that you suffer from exam anxiety is to go to your tutor and chat to them about it. It's okay to admit that you're having trouble, and ultimately your university is there to help you.

Finally, don't forget that although exams are important, they aren't a measure of you as a person. If you have a bit of trouble in an exam, that doesn't make you any less of an amazing person.

Don't forget, Nightline is here to help, every night of term.



1 comment:

  1. You have a good point here!I totally agree with what you have said!!Thanks for sharing your views...hope more people will read this article!!!
    Hbse result 2018
